There are two Babylons spoken of in Scripture. The 1st Babylon existed during the time of Israel’s captivity, the destruction of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, and the later rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. The 2nd Babylon is shown to be upon the earth at the time of the end of this present age when the Antichrist is also upon the earth. We believe that we are living at the time of the end of this present age, and thus the daughter of Babylon is with us today also. We will show that the present day Babylon, the daughter of the Babylon of old, is the United States of America.
We know that the present day Babylon is much like the Babylon of old, just as the proverb says, “Like Mother, like daughter” (Ezekiel 16:44). The first Babylon was a nation that contained the exiles of Israel and Judah (the people of God). The 2nd Babylon is also a nation that contains many of the people of God (Revelation 18:4).
In the Book of Jeremiah, Chapters 50 and 51, and also the Book of Revelation, Chapters 17 and 18, we are shown the characteristics of Babylon. We will bring forth a few of these characteristics in order to help the reader identify the Babylon that exists on earth today.
Babylon has a population like locusts, or, a people that are demonized (Jeremiah 51:14). This is exactly the condition of the people of the USA! Destructive immorality abounds in the land.
Babylon is called the praise of the whole earth (Jeremiah 51:41). What nation today, other than the USA is the praise of the whole earth? The USA is the only remaining superpower; the nation that everyone wants to emigrate to.
In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17, we are told that Babylon the great reigns over the kings of the earth (verses 5, 18). This is as it is today. The USA for the most part calls all the shots and the world follows her lead, whether reluctantly or willingly.
In Revelation, Chapter 18, we see that Babylon says in her heart, `I sit as a queen (Jesus is King), and I am not a widow (I’m not lost, the Lord approves of me), and will never see mourning (destruction will never befall me because I support the causes of God).’ This is exactly what America thinks within her heart concerning herself!
In Chapter 18, verses 11 through 19, if you read these verses carefully, and ponder what is being said you will easily see that Babylon the great is the greatest consuming nation upon the earth in her time. We are told that all of the merchants of the earth were made rich by her wealth. To be the world’s largest consumer of the world’s goods, Babylon must be the wealthiest of all the nations of her time. And since all of the ship masters who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth, it is obvious that she must have many large and accessible seaports for the unloading of the world’s goods. Babylon must also have very limited tariff barriers for the world’s goods to be able to pour through her borders so freely.
There is no nation upon the earth that meets all of these characteristics of Babylon the great other than the USA!
In closing I want to strongly suggest that you read Jeremiah, Chapters 50 and 51, as well as Revelation, Chapters 17 and 18, very carefully, for we believe that they are speaking prophetically to us today.